Sunday, October 03, 2004

there, I fixed it.

Sorry 1994, not 2004 for when Elder Holland was called to the 12. At first I was thinking "Of course I know when he was called - I was serving in Sanger and hadn't transferred to Hanford yet, and Elder Perkins was my zone leader and he told me ... " And then I looked at the post. Oops. Sorry.

The main thing I came away from General Conference with was a swift kick in the butt from the Spirit to go to the temple FAR more frequently than we do. Since the beginning of the summer, we've been struggling to get to the temple once a month. We've made it, but barely. And we're a measly 10 miles from the place. No excuse! So ... what we're going to do is go at least twice a month - once (or more) by ourselves, and once, take someone with us. A lot of people in our ward don't have cars so they only go if they can get a ride. We've had a couple of people ask us to let them know when we're going, and there are a few others that we're planning to invite periodically.

There were other things that stood out, but that's the most prominent thing right now.

The web page - well, my vote is that what Jared describes sounds fine to me. Let's see how it looks and go from there. It's not like we can't make modifications to it after it's up and running.

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