Monday, October 25, 2004

one-year mark

Today is the one-year mark that I have been in Washington DC. And holy moses! What a year it's been! I drove cross country by myself to start this year, moved 3 times in the first 6 months, started a new job that was a career shift and it's my first post-college job that I've had for more than a year (I break the 12-month barrier on Friday), went on seven trips which included five new states, and of course ... ADAM. It sometimes seems strange that it's been only a year because it feels like I've been here for forever. Other times, it seems like I just got here a month or two ago. I'm becoming more and more settled, like I could stay here long-term. I know that would keep Mom and Dad's grandkids far away from them, but it gives them an excuse to come travel on the East Coast, and they don't have to do everything all at once. (For example, they go south on one trip out here, and north on another. Etc.)

And along those lines, we're starting to consider the strong possibility of Adam staying at Georgetown for law school. It's a top tier school, which is what he wants. He's starting conversations with people about working at/with the Georgetown University Public Policy Institute during law school, which seems like it could involve his sociology studies as well. AND we're discussing the possibility of a combined JD/PhD program instead of just a JD (which is what you get at the end of law school). It would be 4 or 5 years instead of 3, but better than 3 years for law and 7 more for a regular PhD program. It's all in the discussion of options phase - nothing definite yet - but this seems to be at the top of the list right now.

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