Saturday, October 02, 2004

lots of stuff

Jared, tell me if I'm picturing this correctly: on the left side of the screen would be a sidebar of all the personal folders. On the right side of the screen would be "community property" stuff like the blog (and maybe Dad's guestbook idea if we can get that to work), and links to other pages like junglechicken and And the center would have the Insanity Inc. logo. Yes?

That's cool that you all remember Elder Bednar (not President anymore!), and awesome about Tawnia having FHE at his house. Adam heard him speak while on his mission in Idaho. I remember when Elder Holland was called in the summer of 1994. He was in the Seventy, and had spoken to our mission less than a month before. So we were VERY excited because he was kinda "our" Apostle - probably similar to what Tawnia described. I still think of Elder Holland as "my" apostle, because I was in a church gym with only about 50 other people and heard him speak with a level of the Spirit that I had never experienced before and have experienced only one time since then ... when President Hinckley read the Proclamation on the Family for the first time, I was in the Tabernacle. Anyway, I'm excited to hear from Elders Uchtdorf and Bednar tomorrow morning. And I wonder which Apostle I'm going to miss this Conference because he's speaking in the priesthood session.

My favorite line of the day was from Elder Groberg: "Things are as they are, and complaining won't help."

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