Friday, October 15, 2004


I posted another question but since no one has responded to it I'm not sure that you all saw it. It took me some time to get my last post to show up and in the meantime someone else had posted so mine was not on top. I hope you all saw the good news about your Daddy's job. It's wonderful to have him home more.

What's up with our logo on the webpage? Why doesn't it show up anymore? Also, on Clarissa's page I put her picture in the folder but it still doesn't show up. Can anyone figure out what we're doing wrong? I'm counting on you Nathan to help us, again. You noticed, I hope, that I DID acknowledge your assistance.

For anyone who's interested, here is my answer to the latest question:
How did you like being the oldest, youngest, or middle child? Did it have any advantages or disadvantages?
In a family of 11 children I was number nine. The kids seemed to be divided into three groups. There were the “big boys” the “little girls” and Lowell, Joy and Gary (the three in the middle.) Being one of the “little girls” I always felt that I was not old enough to do many things. I even felt that I was one of the little girls after I was grown and married. Around thirty or so I seemed to outgrow that title. I don’t know if the older kids really felt that way towards me or if I was just insecure and thought they did. There was a little while, when Gary was on his mission, where I was the oldest child at home. I felt that gave me some privileges but also more responsibilities.

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