Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Words - 3

I think it is funny how you ladies both posted about words. One of my classes has me reading almost constantly, and more times than not there are several words on each page that I do not know. I tend to keep a list of them to look up later which happens sometimes. I was about to look some up when I decided to read the blog and low and behold you're talking about words. One of the words that is on my list from tonight is ardor. Another one is exacerbating. I think it is good to look up words. I never really liked reading when I was growing up and now I wish I read a lot more because of all the great words that could have been in my vocabulary.

About 45 minutes ago I called Eric to ask him about a word that he used in one of his past posts that I could not remember. It was denizen. I had to look that one up when I first read it, and tonight I could remember the definition, but not the word. The reason I thought of it was because he used the word nuance in his post, and I was not sure exactly what it meant.

Instead of being pi day, today should be look up word day.


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