Sunday, March 26, 2006

Jared speaks! (collective gasp)

Michelle cried out "No, don't do it!" But I did it anyway. I opened the blog. I even read Trina's funny story about the missionaries. I didn't read past that, but it looked like people were wishing Tawnia happy birthday. (Actually Michelle was saying not to open the can of worms that follows. She was not saying not to read the blog.)

Anyway, I talked to both Tawnia and Mom on the phone today (yes there are other methods of communication in the world) and they both thought I should get on here so there would be no confusion. I say whatever, there's always confusion, but that's beside the point.

Mom asked me about the movie script. I said yes I got it, but I didn't really read it. You see, I really don't want to make the movie. I'm not interested anymore. In my opinion (let me say that again so that it's perfectly clear: IN MY OPINION)this movie thing has caused a bunch of strife and contention, and that's all that will happen at the reunion. We will all argue all day long, a bunch of people will go away mad, and some of it will be caught on video. If you ask me, we could do that just as easily without months of preparation.

Does this mean I don't want to come to the reunion? Of course not! It's a family reunion! The movie thing was supposed to be just one part of the reunion. But if we really want to foster togetherness-ness and stuff, let's do something else. I wrote up a video scavenger hunt a few months ago. We could do that. We could go to the beach and play beach ball volleyball or something. I think there are plenty of activities that could briong us all closer together as a family, and even create lasting memories, and actually be FUN at the same time.

Now I realize that not everyone will agree with my opinion. If everyone rises up and says "No! We want to do this movie!" then obviously people will be doing movie stuff at the reunion. I'm not thrilled at that prospect, but so be it. I'm still willing to participate -- to a degree. I'll do my one little scene. But I don't want to write any music. I don't have the time or the energy, much less the desire. And if I'm spending ~$1200 just getting there, I'm not going to put a bunch of effort into a project I don't like anyway.

There, it's been said. If you want to comment on this, go ahead. But if you want me to get your comments, you may want to email them to me, or maybe call on the phone (although I might not be home).

I figure you all want to know what's going on with us and stuff. I work alot. Anywhere from 50 to 70 hours a week. I also recently took a motorcycle traing class, and I'm going to get the license tomorrow. We're having a Book of Mormon-related ward talent show next month, and I'm helping coordinate the skits and scenes and stuff. They originally wanted me to write a song for it, or do something from that musical I was writing, but I opted not to. (See? It's not just the movie. I didn't want to write music for that either.) Brooke is doing well in kindergarten. She read a book to Mom over the phone today. She also goes to Daisy Scouts once a week, and has nine out of ten petals. Michelle is into pets right now. We have two rats, one frog, and one snail. She's thinking about getting a fish to add to the fishbowl. (Yes there was a fish before, but we took it back when it got sick.) Bryan is doing well. He had a sinus infection, but he's much better now. He was also excited to talk to Grandma today, and he told her all about his Sunbeams class. He also gets to go to two different playgroups during the week.

So that's a little window into our lives. If you read all this, then hopefully you know a little more about me now. If you didn't, I'm not at all offended. After all, I haven't read anything any of you have written in the last two months.

1 comment:

Eric said...

*Rising up*

No! I want to do the movie!