Monday, March 20, 2006

Hello, family. Just so you know that I didn't fall off the face of the earth, here's what I've been doing lately.

Mostly homework.

In my history class, we've started working on our term papers, so I have a lot to read on the Battle of Yorktown. That's what I decided to do my paper on, partially because I've actually been there. In music history, we're analyzing symphonies, so I've been listening to Mozart's 40th almost every day this week. And I've checked out four books about Mozart. I had a quiz in math today; we're learning about logarithms. And this quiz was open book. I wonder how many people noticed that the problems were taken straight out of the book. Philosophy reading in time consuming; we're learning about Locke now. And finally, there's novel writing. Actually, I haven't worked a lot on that, partially because I have a lot of other things to do, and partially because I want to make sure I'm doing it right.

I haven't just been doing homework, of course. On Friday night, I went to see the improv group, Shenanigans. It was pretty funny. And on Sunday, Rebecca Morgan invited me to have dinner with her. Rebecca is in my writing class. We're planning on being roommates next year, and we'll be staying with Grace Mullen, one of the math teachers. Okay, sit down before you read this next part. My other two "roommates" are Zachary and Noah. Zachary is an Australian shepherd, and Noah is a collie. Yes, she has dogs. And I'm going to live with them. But they still should be better than some roommates I could name.

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