Friday, March 31, 2006

another baby report

We'll find out on Monday from the doctor if Adam is right, but Adam thinks he's figured out Summer's position from feeling my stomach - head down, rear up. If this is the case, then about a week ago, Summer discovered that her butt fits quite nicely - for her - into my ribcage. This is not a happy thing for me - it causes a really sharp pain along with not being able to breathe properly. I have to do a weird looking stretch where I hang my head and shoulders upside down off the edge of the bed to get her to move. Not exactly something I can do at work. I'm also in another phase where I'm eating ALL THE TIME. I'm going to have to start bringing our mini-cooler to work just to have enough food over the course of the day. My stomach has gotten a lot bigger in the last week or so and I'm starting to become more of a contortionist to do basic things like putting on socks. But I'm still fine, and cruising along as usual.

We toured the hospital a couple of weeks ago - it's going to be nice. The labor/delivery are all in the same room, and they don't take the baby out at all. It's standard policy (instead of having to ask for it like you apparently used to) that the mother holds the baby immediately after birth, and once the baby is cleaned up and checked, the medical personnel leave us alone for a while before moving us to a recovery room. All recovery rooms are single occupancy, so Adam will be able to stay with us overnight. They do not take the baby to the nursery unless we specifically request it - she stays with us in my room. The most interesting thing to us was the security. Adam and I both have wristbands, and Summer will have 2 ankle bands. One will match our wristbands so we're all identified together, and the other has a computer chip in it. If she crosses an exit with it on, every door in maternity locks shut, AND every elevator in the ENTIRE hospital shuts down. I like having that kind of security, but at the same time, it's a disturbing thought that it's considered necessary and even standardized.

Last Saturday, we bought our first diapers. Adam about went into shellshock. We got a few other random things as well, and I think we're pretty much set to bring Summer home from the hospital. We could probably use another package of t-shirts to use while her belly button heals, and more pajamas. But I'll worry about that in another couple of weeks. The baby shower is next Saturday, and I can take Good Friday off as an optional) so I'll do the last minute stuff then.


Frank and Evelyn said...

Oh the joys of the last month. At the new hospital here you have one room for everything. They call it a birthing room and unless you have to stay longer than overnight, I think you stay in the same room the whole time. I know labor and delivery are in that room and it's very spacious and private. I think they still do the complimentary dinner for Dads after the baby is born, too.

Eric said...

Yeah, they showed us a room like that, and then said: "But you're having the baby in the operating room. It's standard when they're pre-term." So we ended up having to pay extra for the single room. And Stevie was whisked off to the NICU a few minutes after he was born (as you saw on the video).

We're hoping with the next one we can have an experience more like what you're describing.