Sunday, March 19, 2006


Wow Nate. That was quite the post. I'm glad you made up those stories even though you didn't want to. That showed real maturity.

Anyway, I just wanted to let you all know there is a schedule of events up on the movie page. This will probably (and should probably) change as time goes on, so please let me know what you would like to adjust.

Tawnia is the one who is in some ways "taking over" at this point, as she turns the screenplay into a shooting script, but we all have some part to play. And if you don't have some part to play, talk to me and we'll come up with a part for you to play.

I would post more, and post pictures of Stevie, and tell you all about our exciting weekend at the Stake youth activity, but It's 10:30 and I have to get up early.

I love you all and that means you.


Frank and Evelyn said...

I just looked over the production schedule and I'd like to propose a minor change - Since we'll be in D.C. on June 30th the costumes will need to be done by June 24th. That means I'll need any requests or ideas to me ASAP. How elaborate do we want these costumes, anyway?


Frank and Evelyn said...

Also sets and location prep should probably Dad and I, since we live here and a lot of the shooting will be done here at home. Won't it?

Eric said...

Okay. I'll make the changes to the schedule. As far as how elaborate we want these costumes, I would say that it all depends on the characters. I don't think the script calls for too elaborate of costumes. I think a lot of it will be gathering rather than making costumes from scratch.