Monday, March 27, 2006

response to J's post

Yes, I'll email this to him as well so he'll actually READ it ... my question is - WHAT strife and contention? I honestly have no clue what Jared is talking about. The only conflict of any sort that I know of at all from the beginning of the movie project was a brief time that I felt Eric was stepping on people's toes with trying to do everyone's job - and we discussed it and it's fine. No blow up. And Emily got a little upset because she wanted more on-screen time in the movie, and that was easily resolved by just messing around with the script. Done! No more conflict! Moving on ... So yeah. I have no idea what he's talking about. These 2 things were not huge blow-ups or really even anything to get all concerned about.

And really - most of the work on the movie will be completed before we even get there. I can't check my script right now because it's on the computer at home and I'm at work, but if I remember right, most scenes can/will be filmed before we even get to the reunion. We'll just have a couple of scenes to take care of on The Movie Day - the Acme scene with Jared and Dad, the Minions introduction and the Girl Power song, the basketball game, and the final ending with everyone. That's 4 out of 12 or 13.

I say we proceed as planned and once the filming is done in the morning, Eric and Dad and Nathan will be doing the editing all afternoon anyway. During that time, we can do Jared's video scavenger hunt or whatever. Since Jared doesn't want to do the music anymore, hopefully we can get from him what's already done, and maybe Nathan could take it from there for the background music? Nathan's done a fair amount of that sort of music playing.

So there's my vote. And now I must do more work, since I'm - you know - at work.

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