Thursday, March 23, 2006


This is your friendly reminder that the monthly Blog FHE is this coming Monday - March 27 - I already have the talk picked out that I'll post.

I've been home most of this week - a really bad cold and sore throat have totally flattened me. It's been going on since last week. I finally stayed home on Tuesday and felt a lot better so I went to work yesterday. Ha ha ha! I should have stayed home again because I woke up with entirely no voice at all - only whispering. I worked half the day and then came home because it was a losing battle. So, I stayed home today. Feeling better. We'll see how tomorrow goes. Now is a REALLY bad time to miss work because we're only 2 weeks from our spring conference. But really - with "only" 4 committees now instead of 6, this prep period has been a cakewalk. The bosses are a bit agitated but whatever. I'm caught up. I still have plenty to do, but most of the conference work is done and I still have all of next week.

I'm wondering if Heavenly Father let me get sick so I could stay home and get stuff done. On Tuesday, I totally cleaned out our bedroom - the junk and clutter have all been taken care of so we have space for Summer now. I've spent all morning today creating my Family Book. I have a section for talks on marriage and a section for parenting stuff, a nice copy of the Proclamation on the Family, and even pictures of the temple. I thought about giving it to Adam for his Father's Day gift, but I want to share it with him now because it's really cool. And now I will go do the dishes and study for a couple of hours to finish this section of Anatomy.


Anonymous said...

Normally when you get sick, it is your body's way of saying that you need to slow down. I find that is always at the most inconvenient time for me. Fortunately, I haven't been sick lately.

Frank and Evelyn said...

It doesn't sound like Trina's slowing down so she can get well. It sounds like she's working hard. You aren't supposed to stay home to get stuff done your supposed to rest and get well. Don't make yourself sicker, Trina. You're just like your Dad. He can't stop working and rest even when he's sick.

treen said...

That's the dumb thing though - when I stay home, I feel fine. And lazy for not doing anything, so I do stuff around the house (with lots of breaks). I went to work on Wed. and came home early - that's when I slept the whole afternoon.