Monday, March 20, 2006


Emily and I took an extra week on the movie script because we hit some glitches in it that we couldn't quite figure out. But we talked last week over IM and got it taken care of. I made the final edits to the script on Friday and emailed it to her for approval (since she is the head writer and I am but a mere assistant) ... I haven't heard from her since then, so I don't know if she's sent it on to Eric or what. We made notes about location suggestions for Eric and Tawnia (in red) and music suggestions for Jared (in blue) - take it or leave it, but that's how we pictured some of those scenes.

Tonight for FHE, Adam and I are touring the hospital where Summer will be born and doing the pre-registration paperwork. It's the Holy Cross hospital in Silver Spring, Maryland rather than in DC. It's about the same distance from our house as the DC hospital (my insurance gave us the option of which one we wanted to go to), but it's a lot easier to get to. We also talked to a couple of medical students in our ward who did rotations at both of them, and the unanimous recommendation was that we go to Holy Cross. The DC hospital is commonly characterized as a zoo because it's so hectic there.

It's getting close enough to be a little scary ... this coming weekend, Adam and I are doing some shopping for things like a bassinet mattress and diapers - stuff we need for when Summer comes home but that aren't "baby shower items." Then is General Conference. Then my work conference and the baby shower (and then we'll have another shopping spree to fill in the blanks). Then Easter, when I hit 37 weeks and am into the "full term" zone. A mere 4 weeks away ... I'm now at 33 weeks.

1 comment:

Eric said...

Well, you're also now further along than we ever got. We were scheduled for our tour on August 22nd, and we'd already been in the hospital for two days.

We also missed our class. I cut it out of the video, but there were a few times during the labor that I said: "We never took the class!" Somehow we survived anyway.