Friday, September 30, 2005

she's aliiiiiiiiive

10 days since my last post ... my presentation is finally finally finally at a stage I'm comfortable with. I have 15 pages of text and 25 powerpoint slides. The slides took FOR-EV-VER because of all the number crunching I had to do with them. A basic map of the US for X-aspect of medical malpractice - 36 states do it and the other 14 don't. That would be easy to color in the states ... BUT! Of the 36, 5 do it this way and 14 do it that way and the rest do it this other way. So I had to do all the break-outs to get the states colored in correctly ... and I had to do this for 10 maps with all different number combinations. Whoopie. And now I will practice over the weekend and make Adam listen to my long speech while looking at the slides. Poor boy.

We're doing temple baptisms with our ward tonight - we've actually got the full number going, instead of about half like the other 3 trips we've done in the last year. Yay! Adam and I are helping drive some of the college kids, and I'll be running the people shuffle once we're there. Normally I would get in the water myself, but we've got enough unendowed people to fill all the spots. Adam has some family names, and we're going to get the 2 kids from his home teaching family to be baptized and confirmed for them. Another guy in the ward is supposed to do the baptism for his mother, who died last year, so that should be really neat as well.

Other than that, we're looking forward to General Conference this weekend. And I love love love all the pictures of Stevie! Especially the newest ones with his Winnie the Pooh toys. I'm sad about the "family" baby shower - where were Aunt Cheryl and Aunt Debbie and Laurel's sister? I would have sent a gift if I'd known ... I got Stevie a gift when we were in Seattle (before we even knew he was going to be born early, but it was just too perfect) and I just haven't gotten around to sending it. I would have sent it for a baby shower. And my 3rd Stevie comment ... in the 2nd group of pictures on the Birdhouse - there are 3 pictures, and in the 3rd one, Stevie has his arm up by his head. Isn't there a similar picture of Eric and Jared somewhere, when they were babies? That's instantly what it reminded me of.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was starting to wonder where you'd gone. The trip to Iowa is next week, right? I've been meaning to call you, but I keep working late or going to the dentist or things like that, and it's always too late on the east coast by the time can even think about calling. Maybe I'll call you this weekend though.