Monday, September 12, 2005


Squeakers, Phantom and Teeny are boys. (Rename Teeny, please). Mousie and Yami are girls. Just thought everyone should know.


Mindy Sebastian said...

I think that Teeny should be renamed Runt .. because Runt is a very masculine name, but since he's the smallest, it's appropriate anyway.

Skippy said...

I think Runt would be a very sad name for that sweet little kitty...I'd say wait another week til we can tell Teeny and Yami apart better - right now I can't tell unless we flip them over! Nathan and I gave them baths (and Nekoshi) because they had fleas all over them. That was quite an adventure...they didn't mind getting all soapy, but they certainly didn't like being under the faucet. They were very good, though...Nekoshi didn't even bite me or claw me...didn't even meow...but she was very scared. She forgave me, though...especially cuz I was sitting in the water with her while she got rinsed off. But I could take off my wet clothes and it took her a little longer to dry. Anyway - I love those little kitties. Hopefully we can give one a home in a few weeks!

Skippy said...

That was from Amanda, by the way