Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Stevie came home!

Don't worry Mom. I don't mind you posting anything you hear from me. If I really want it to be a surprise I won't tell you first.

That's right, Stevie came home last night after 20 days at CHOC.

I was going to call everyone last night but by the time we got home from the hospital with Stevie and I'd been to the store to buy rubber nipples (I said the word "nipple" a few too many times last night. It's one of the funniest words in any context I'm beginning to realize) it was too late to call Trina or Jared. So I called Tawnia and Mindy and talked to them. They were in the middle of something though, so it was pretty short. I tried the Oregon home before that, but no one answered. So then mom called back later and we had a good talk. Mom said that now that we're not going to the hospital I can post more pictures on the blog. It's a nice thought, but Laurel's mom went home yesterday too, and guess who's going to be doing the shopping, cooking, and laundry 'round here? (Well, I was already doing the laundry.) But we'll see.

I'll certainly be able to talk on the phone a little bit more in the evening.

We are very grateful for your prayers these days. Laurel and Stevie need them for sure. Stevie's doing great. His first night went well. Laurel slept with him and fed him while I slept in the other room. So I got quite a bit more sleep than Laurel, though I did stay up late with them and went in to check up on them a few times during the night.

Finally, I'm sorry for getting all passive-aggressive on you with my little post there. I've had a rough few days and, like many of us as I've noticed, the family site was a source of comfort for me. So when no one posted for a little while I got impatient. But I'm better now.

Thanks for all your support, again. I know what it's like to be away from the blog for a while with work and whatnot, so no regrets there folks, just keep on praying for us and contributing to the website. I'm loving all the changes on the site these days. You're inspiring me to do some revisions, or at least more frequent updates. We're getting DSL at home (I should be able to install it tonight) and so posting stuff should get a lot easier.

Take care

Love, Eric

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