Friday, September 23, 2005

Field Trip

So my class had a field trip today. It was fun, but I'm exhausted! I didn't have to do a lot, but I think I was pretty stressed about stuff. Now I'm relaxing in my quiet (messy) classroom. I think the kids learned a lot today, but the fact that we also had the seventh graders there was obnoxious. There is a reason I work with younger kids. =)

As we were leaving the classroom I realized that Fudge, our class fish, had passed on to another greater fish bowl elsewhere. So after we got back I set him free (flush!). I will either buy a new fish tomorrow, or we'll just live without a class fish for awhile. The kids loved him though, so I may just have to go and find a new fish. Though they did know that he was old and likely to die soon. I wonder what the next fish will get named.

Anyway, I have a ton of copies to make so I'll be set for spelling next week... and then I am going to rearrange all the desks in my room... and tomorrow I'm coming back out here so I can figure out where to have them hang my coat racks. Oh, and I just found out that they're going to put in soap dispensers in our rooms... hooray (we have sinks... so it makes sense to have soap dispensers.)

I'm tired, and have tons to do, I'll talk to you later.

P.S. I'm glad that J and company made it to Dallas and I'm loving hearing about Stevie, and I love everyone else too!

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