Thursday, September 15, 2005

What I got in the mail

Today, I went up to the post office to get a package, and it was my college diploma. Yes, I have received an associate of general studies. I am sure you are all impressed.

This week, I have been trying to keep busy. On Monday, we had FHE; we learned about emergency kits and were going to play volleyball but the cultural hall was already set up for a show Dayton was putting on the following night. We ended up playing Mormon Mouthful, which is the same as Mad Gab only with Mormon phrases. On Tuesday, I went to see "I'd Be a Woman Again," put on by the Dayton sisters. I remember when they did this back in 1991 (I actually had to check on the video tapes to see when it was), and Mom sang "Super Mom." That's one of the only songs I know from that. There was some lip synchs and dancing, and it was pretty good. And last night, we had Institute. We're going to be studying teaching of the prophet Joseph Smith.

Eric, I am very happy that baby Stevie is home.


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