Monday, September 05, 2005

Mindy at Work

I've been fairly busy lately. On Friday I helped Tawnia set up her classroom .. finally. Since school starts tomorrow, we had a lot to do in very little time. At least Tawnia had been there the day before to put together the desks. We took some pictures, that I'll post sometime soon (if my computer keeps working .. it's having issues). We'll probably take some more pictures today, as we put the final touches up before the walk-through tonight for the parents and students. I won't be there, since I have to work, but I'll get to start meeting people tomorrow morning when I start work too. But on the upside, I did post a few new pictures on Tawnia's page (sorry that I got rid of your changes, Jared), and we'll add more soon. As for my webpage, I'm working on my Russia stuff still, but it's a long process, since there are LOTS of pictures to go through. I'm also adding journal-entry stuff to all the pages, so everything is explained. I hope it'll be worth the wait.

On Saturday I had a meeting at Subway at 10 AM. We were given a test, with some sandwich formulas (what meat goes on which sandwich) some basic rules and when do we do this ... I wasn't sure on a lot of things, since I've only been there for just over a week, but at least I found out what I needed to learn. But the manager called me back, and told me that I had gotten more right than a lot of the people that had been there for a while .. and that the rest of the meeting might be loud and yelling, but I should know that it wasn't directed towards me at all. Yippee! But it was a good meeting, and I learned a lot, and the hours that I'm at Subway will definately be busy ones. The meeting lasted a good 2 hours, which is when my next shift started .. so I worked from noon to just after 5 that night. It was probably the hardest that I had worked at that job so far, but it seemed like the harder I worked, the better I felt. I liked getting things done, and I wanted to impress the manager. It really is just the attitude that you bring to the job, if you'll enjoy it or not. I have to work again tonight, so I'll test that theory out.


Anonymous said...

HA! You claim that you got rid of my changes, but I already put them back in while your back was turned! Hahahahaha!

Eric said...

Good points about work. Hard work feels better than sitting around and collecting a paycheck for doing next to nothing.

Your post made me hungry for a sandwich.