Tuesday, September 06, 2005

I will survive

So, the last week has been pretty stressful. Today, was the first day of school. Things went pretty well. I have great kids. Sorry, I'm tired. After school I got my license plates put on my car, bought a pizza, and now I'm watching Gilmore girls and enjoying my life. Tomorrow I get to dive in and start really teaching... (today we just went over rules and procedures.)

My page has changed slightly... Mindy updated it and then Jared updated it. I just don't have time to update it myself.

Mindy just told me that, since I got my Utah license plates on... I'm not officialy a Utahan. Then she said... it's "You Tawn" Get it? Utahan = You Tawn.

Haha, funny thought for today.

Love you all,

1 comment:

Eric said...

Good to hear that you will survive... Ah, you'll do great. This is such a hugely stressful time, but guess what? After this week you'll never be a "brand new" teacher again. You're already a veteran so just keep on doing a great job and keeping up the enthusiasm. I'm so proud of you sis!