Tuesday, September 13, 2005


Are you complaining that no one is responding to your post, or posting on the blog in general? I have two words for y'all: Work. Conference.

Yes, another one. At least this one was in town - it's orientation junk for all the new officers, and it has occupied all my time in the last 2 weeks. It ended today so now I can actually get some substantive work done instead of maniacally being the secretary with putting together information packets and making dinner reservations and other asundry tasks. In literally the last 10 minutes, I seem to have just landed myself an "unofficial" calling of being a pianist for sacrament meeting until someone new can be called (yes, I can play the organ, but the organ we have is 500 years old and I can't figure out even how to turn the thing on. So I'll play the piano.) We have an organist who will play only every OTHER Sunday, and had a 2nd one who just got yanked from our ward to be assigned to another ward (which is running short on experienced priesthood so he's gone to be their clerk) ... so now random pianists are filling in, and I will probably end up on a calendar of some sort.

Adam is busy with class, work, still interning at Senate Judiciary, and has started on his thesis. He is the wonderfulest husband in the world, and he is currently baking bread and cinnamon rolls. (It's his brain break. He cooks. We had enchiladas for dinner. Yum.)

And even with all of that, we are still reading our scriptures every night, and we are still remembering Stevie in our family and personal prayers.

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