Thursday, September 08, 2005

Emily Corps

Drum roll, please. This is Emily Palmer.

I have updated my site.

(Cymbal crash. )

You can read excerpts from "The Sword and the Medallion." It had to be fifty thousand words long, just typed out (the only revising I did was fix the spelling). I repeated myself a lot. You will also want to look at "Children of the Dragon," my first fantasy novella. I have the first chapter in place. You may also want to look at "Creating a New World," which explains the geography of my world. (If anyone wants to draw a map, I still don't have a decent one.)

I will keep you posted on other updates. The other links only hold a brief explanation about the project in question, how I came to write it and a brief summary of the story. (I was getting tired; there's a lot of text involved.) I may also add some more pictures to the site. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask.


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