Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Back To School Night

Yesterday I spent from 6:45 a.m. until 8:45 p.m. here at school. I escaped for 15 minutes at one point to buy some dinner, but other than that, I was here. Starting at six I had parents come in for back to school night. I gave a big long speel about what we do in my classroom and how I discipline the kids and all of this other stuff. A few of my students came along with their parents... and one of them told his mom that I wasn't as fun as I normally am. I guess classroom procedures are pretty boring to the kids. I got a few compliments from parents that made me feel good. One mother thought I was a veteran teacher because I do so well at communicating with the parents (and I didn't think I was doing all that much.) Another mom told me that her daughter always comes home in a great mood, which is different from the other schools she has been at. So that was nice to hear also.

I had been really nervous about the evening all day long, but when I got home, even though I was exhausted, I was in a great mood. I think mostly because Back to School Night is over! And I don't have to deal with it for another year. Plus, now that I've gotten one under my belt, I don't think I'll be as nervous for it next time.

Today we're going to have some big adventures during Science. We're going to build volcanoes. Hopefully I have all of the stuff I need. I had some parents donate a few of the items. The only thing I'm not sure of is play-dough... so we might have to improvise. Oh, well, it will all work out, and the kids won't know the difference anyway.

Okay, so my funny for this week. One of my students brought his pet python to share with the class (his dad brought it in at the end of the day, and yes it was an arranged event.) The other students were asking him questions. We talked about how the python eats, and sheds, and all that other snake stuff. Then one of the girls asked, "Does it burp?" That got a nice laugh from the kids... and the student with the snake replied, "No, but it would be really cool if it did!"

We have a field trip on Friday, and hopefully the weather will be nice for it. It's pouring down rain today... not normal for Utah, but I'm sure the grass could use it.

I should get going on work stuff. Have a great day.


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