Thursday, September 01, 2005


I'm going to trump Tawnia's reason to celebrate. MY reason to celebrate is that, just now,

Zippy is mine all mine, and I have no car payments! La la la! Do the dance of joy! If there were a way to put little virtual fireworks around that, I would do it. But I don't know how, so I will just put it all in different colors.

And we have met our goal of getting entirely out of debt, except for student loans, in 2005. We have no credit card debt, no debt to Dad or anyone else, and now no car debt. Hooray! We feel quite excellent. We have also totalled up the undergrad student debt. Adam, when he graduates in December, will have borrowed about $22,000 for school which is darn near amazing since it costs about $40,000 a year to go there. All the rest was scholarships. That's only a little more than my total borrowing for Western - $16,000 and I've paid almost half of it off now.

P.S. We are going to start saving to make a good down payment to buy another car next year. 2 summers of East Coast summer humidity with no air conditioning in the car is plenty for us.


Frank and Evelyn said...

Congratualtions!!! That is such a wonderful feeling. I'm very proud of you. I understand what you mean about no air conditioning, though. Not my idea of comfort.

Eric said...

Good job paying off the car sis! We have one paid off and another to be paid off next year. Adam, good luck looking at law schools. You have a good mind and spirit and you'll be able to make the best decision.