Wednesday, August 31, 2005

the top of Eric's face

I can't speak for Stevie having the bottom of Laurel's face, but I definitely agree that he has Eric's eyes and forehead. The picture of him facing the camera with his eyes open and with the pacifier in his mouth ... if that isn't Eric Jr, there will never be an Eric Jr. Cute cute cute! More pictures are good - thanks tons! Happy week-old birthday, Stevie!

We're on storm watch out here because Adam is a hurricane tracker - we got some rain last night that was a remnant of Katrina. All the hurricanes last year moved up the eastern seaboard after landfall, so we got tons of rain and thunder with those. This one went up the Mississippi, so we just caught the outer edge that was running itself out. Adam's family in Pensacola has lost power and I think they've not started school yet because of the storm, but no concerns about flooding or anything. They're all fine. We're going to donate to LDS Humanitarian Services when we pay our tithing Sunday, and encourage everyone else to do the same. (Whatever you can afford, of course.)

1 comment:

Eric said...

Thanks for the comments sis. Yes, the boy is very cute. And blondie. The nurses love him. He's so easy on them, along with being so cute.

That's a good idea for a charity to contribute to. I have to say though, I'm just barely getting caught up on the news. If you ever REALLY want to lose touch with current events for a little while, have a baby. Oy!