Wednesday, August 10, 2005

famous shamous

My job is great for getting into speeches by famous political figures, including Hillary Clinton and Mitt Romney. I shook hands with Colin Powell and Donald Rumsfeld after their speeches but not any of the others.

I've been in the same room as probably half the Senate and lots of Congressmen/women for committee hearings, but I've never met any of them in that setting. Senator Reid is in our ward. I've never spoken directly to him but Adam has lots of times. Adam also had his picture taken with Senator Specter (that's technically who he's interning for). I had dinner at an NCSL function with Congresswoman Carolyn McCarthy from New York.

I never was introduced to Governor Kitzhaber in Oregon, but I did literally run into him once. I was going down one of the narrow stairwells in the capitol at a pretty good clip with my friend Adam right behind me. (Adam from MUN.) I cut the corner pretty close and collided with Gov. Kitzhaber who was doing the same thing, only going UP the stairs. Adam and the bodyguard both started laughing. The Gov and I both stepped back, said "Excuse me," and then kept right on going past each other.

I've shaken hands with Neal A. Maxwell, Richard G. Scott, Jeffrey R. Holland, Joseph B. Wirthlin, and David B. Haight.

Since Jared brought up "Full House" - I worked with Andrea Barber in Model UN 2 years at the San Francisco conference. She played DJ's friend Kimmy Gibler on Full House. For the record, Andrea is NOT an airhead. I met Sara Evans, the country singer, when she sang the national anthem at the state capitol.

I'd like to meet the prophet (whoever it may be), and I'd like to meet the President of the United States (not necessarily our good pal W). I'd like to meet Senator McCain. It would be cool to meet Sean Astin, but no other movie/music/sports people are coming to mind at the moment.

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