Wednesday, August 17, 2005

I Surrender

Well, I gave up my Oregon Driver's License today. I think I will have to have a funeral tonight for the end of my Oregon-ness. I will have to start dropping the t's out of the middle of words, thereby saying moun-in, and Lay-n. (Call me if you'd like to hear how those words sound in Utahan.) I'll have to drive badly. I'll have to talk about the church all the time, regardless of whether or not the people around me are members. I'll have to be appalled by anyone who doesn't live up to LDS standards.

OR... I'll just remain myself, an Oregonian posing as a Utahan.

The test I had to take was somewhat of a joke. 25 questions... and it was open book. I got 100%. I think I would have kicked myself if I hadn't.

Anyway, school starts in less than 2 weeks, so my life is CRAZY! Oh, and I'm moving tomorrow! Hooray!

1 comment:

Eric said...

Yeah, and you'll have to roll your eyes and act like you don't know what a member is talking about if they say anything having to do with the church outside of church property-- even if you ARE a member!

And another thing, try teaching in LA for one day and then complain to me about high community standards.