Friday, August 05, 2005


I might have said morning is my favorite time, but it's a quarter to six right now and as I sit at my desk, I'm not sure that's the case.

I think my favorite time of the day these days is the evening when I come home to see Laurel. There's sometimes a dinner waiting for me, and it's a nice feeling to be with Laurel after a long day.

Yesterday Laurel went swimming with her friend in the ward Mary. Mary's pregnant also, and is about a month behind Laurel. They had such a good time that she didn't get home until after six. Fortunately there was a message waiting for her that I was working until five and then going by the library after work. I got home a little before seven and we were happy.

Okay, that's a boring story, but it's all I've got right now.

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