Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Update on Laurel and Stevie: Day 4

Laurel and Stevie are doing great. Laurel got her second steroid shot on Sunday morning and made it the 24 hours after that, and now 24 more hours after that, so the steroids will have their full effect, which is to help Stevie's lungs get stronger. This morning she told me that she started going into labor last night, after I'd left, but they gave her a shot that stopped the contractions. She finally felt them though, and she's not a big fan.

I'm at work this morning. We're trying to save some days off for after the baby comes, and we're trying to give me something to do. I've felt pretty useless most of the time, but this is a time for husbands to be humbled I think. Overall though, I've been pretty good. I don't know how

Laurel has generally been very calm, though we've both had a few ups and downs. Our ward has been fabulous in their support. I had to kick out the Relief Society presidency yesterday because Laurel needed to rest. On Sunday we had 12 visitors in the room at one point. She has not been bored though. She hasn't read or watched TV, but she gets visitors and she's constantly asking her nurses questions and being her usual charming self.

To answer a few frequently asked questions:
The baby's weight is estimated at 4.3 pounds, based on the ultrasound
The survival rate for babies at 32 weeks is greater than 95%
The baby will need to stay at the hospital for at least one week following birth. He will stay at the neonatal unit at CHOC (Children's Hospital of Orange County) which is adjacent to St. Joseph but actually a different hospital.
Laurel's fluid is low, since she's losing it all the time, but the baby is constantly making more
The doctors say that 90% of cases such as Laurel's deliver within the first week, but the nurses are more optimistic
Your prayers and good wishes are welcome and we're so grateful for them

Oh, and thanks for your anniversary congrats Jared. I passed them on to Laurel as well.

I love you all.


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