Monday, August 15, 2005

good news!

So on Saturday I got a phone call .. for a job interview at Hollywood Video. So I went to that this morning, but before that, I got a phone call from the one other place that I actually put an application in for - Subway. So I'm going to that interview tomorrow. The interview for Hollywood Video went well - I've got training for it on Saturday morning. I need to get some black pants though (Dad, thank you for putting money in my account with me even asking for it!), but that's not a big deal. I'm really excited about it all though. In other news? We're hoping to move sometime this week .. we're supposed to be out on Saturday, but not into our new place until Monday (even though they're out today). We all just want to get moved and settled, especially me, since most of my stuff is still over at a friend's apartment. I'm looking forward to not living out of a suitcase, and actually having all my stuff accessible. All in all, I've got a lot to look foward to and I'm really excited.

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