Saturday, February 25, 2006

transition milestone

Of all of the MAJOR THINGS that are happening in the next few months, we now have one done. We bought a new car today. It's a white 2006 Toyota Corolla, gray interior, 4-door, stick shift (which we prefer), CD player, and all the "basics" that the Echo did not have like power steering and air conditioning. It is brand new but in this sale they were having or whatever, it was marked lower than most used cars in the same range (we'd already been looking online to price them). So what the hey. It was exactly what we were looking for anyway. Adam was the one who pushed me a little bit into making the decision to get it. But when we were signing all the paperwork for it, I didn't bat an eye and Adam was the one looking freaked out. Then again, it's my 4th car to purchase and his first.

Right now, I'm more sad about getting rid of my pal Zippy the Silver Bullet than I am happy about getting a new car. That was the car I got my last semester of college - that car and I have been through a lot together since then. Many, many road trips to California and Utah from Oregon, the year in Montana, the cross country drive to move out here, Adam and I dated in that car, and I taught him how to drive a stick in it.

I'm also a little weirded out because it really means that life is changing in a major way. It's not my little 2-door that I zip around in and go on road trips on a whim. No. This new one is a 4-door family car. And it's going to have a carseat in another 10 weeks. This is just getting more weird by the second. (I know - wait until we set up the bassinet and all in our room - then I'll totally freak.) I need to stop before I really mess myself up here.

1 comment:

Frank and Evelyn said...

Congratulations. Does Zippy's replacement have a name?