Thursday, February 02, 2006

6 more weeks

I believe Punxsutawney Phil (yes, I had to look up the spelling) did see his shadow, so 6 more weeks of winter. Although if it's more winter like we've been having here, who cares. It's cold in the morning and at night, but during the day, it's sunny and in the 50s. Adam and I have been sitting outside to eat lunch.

Nice post, Nate. It was an interesting insight into what you talk to other members of our family about. What's going on with Dad and the house, anyway? About the FHE stuff - my suggestion was to do it once a month, on the last Monday of the month. But posting whenever during the month is fine too, or even not at all. It would be nice to have everyone participate on the same day, but things happen and people get busy, and no one will be frowned upon for missing sometimes.

Mindy, I noticed your post about 3 jobs and was going to ask you about it on the sisters blog, but then I didn't. So I'll ask you here - how the heck are you managing that sort of schedule? How can you teach at the preschool and be a TA at the charter school at the same time? Which job pays the most and gives you the most hours? There. That better?

I had my first weird food craving - the food isn't weird, the craving was. I wanted cake. I normally only eat cake in connection with birthdays and some holidays, but darn it all, I wanted CAKE. So I baked one Tues. night - it's now Thurs. morning and the whole thing is gone. Adam ate it too but not much.

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