Thursday, February 09, 2006

College Quiz Bowl

Last night, I wandered downstairs, hearing there was a quiz bowl. There were about a dozen people there, and I ended up playing. We had teams of four players who would answer questions. The teams were really uneven. My group, due a great deal to me, came in second. (Alas, we were solidly beaten during the final round, so we did not win any T-shirts.) I was invited to come to practice today, so I did. We had questions from the national tournament, which were really difficult, but I was able to answer two. I may go next week.


Frank and Evelyn said...

Sounds like a fun activity to get that thinker going, Emily. What were the questions you got right? Are they on particular subjects or just random ones? In other words, sounds interesting, tell us more.

Emily said...

The two questions I got right were on Cyrus the Great and the play "Our Town." And Prof. MacDonnell was disappointed I couldn't remember the name of Alcebiades, since we learned about him in history class.

I do particularly well on history and geography questions, not so well on the science questions, okay on some of the current event and literature questions.