Sunday, February 05, 2006

News from Headquarters

Trina asked what Dad is doing with the house. We're redoing our bedroom. We took out the bookshelves and are replacing both windows. We've moved the bed into the corner and are repainting the room. We got a new bedspread and I'm making curtains. I'll post pictures when it's all done. We also repainted Clarissa's room and are turning Emily's into the library. Daddy built bookshelves and we painted them yesterday so now we can fill them with the books.

I also wanted to let you know that I got a wedding invitation a few days ago from my brother, Gary. He and Marleen are getting married on February 25th. I talked to her on the phone this afternoon. She's 52, (Gary is 59) and she has twins, but I don't know how old they are. You can meet her at the reunion in Seattle this summer.

I also figured that it's time for a new question. All this talk about children made me think that maybe this question would be a good one - What do you hope for your children and grandchildren? I'm sure everyone has thought about this at some time, even those who aren't married yet.

I'd better run now and take a short nap before I have to go back to church for our pre-ward conference meeting and visits.

Love ya,

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