Wednesday, February 22, 2006

A bit of news from Emily

Well, I'm just about done with midterms. I had my history test yesterday, and I think I did pretty well, especially as the short answer essay was about the motivations of Revolutionary War soldiers. And I'm planning on writing my term paper on the Revolution. And the forum didn't hurt; it was about the "little people" during the American Revolution -- spies and sharpshooters and courageous and insubordinate officers. The speaker was the man who wrote "Prelude to Glory." And today I had my math test, and then I have my music history test on Monday. I still have a lot of reading and things to do; I am looking forward to spring break.

And tonight, I went to a ward dinner. I ended up sitting across from Rebecca Morgan; she's in my writing class. And she said that maybe next semester we could be roommates. At least I would get away from the cafeteria food. And it would be great to have a roommate that I already know. And it would be a lot of fun in November -- we'd both do NaNoWriMo 2006. I thought you would want to know.

1 comment:

Frank and Evelyn said...

Sounds like fun, Emily. I'm glad you're making friends.