Wednesday, February 15, 2006

A belated Valentine to you all

Hello, everyone. Happy Valentine's Day. Sorry I'm a little late. I did get some chocolate -- some from my home teacher (and he sent some to my "companion" as well), and an anonymous box of chocolates from a girl who thinks I'm awesome, and there was a Valentine's Day song at the forum.

We had a speaker at the forum who spoke on Japanese culture: tea ceremonies, poetry, architecture, and bathing. He also spoke to my history class about myths about the samurai. Considering that most that is written about them was written during the time of peace, it's not surprising that there are some misconceptions and contradictions. Next week in history we'll talk a bit about the Middle Ages. And I'm getting very excited about my reading. All my classes are keeping me very busy.

This is spirit week, so I went to a dance on Saturday (after the play "Schoolhouse Rock" -- do you remember that cartoon?). There are basketball games and other activities going on. Tonight there's a date auction, with guys being auctioned off; the money goes to the school publications. The only reason I might want to go is to shout, "We wants the redhead! We wants the redhead!" (And interestingly enough, there is a redhead who will be up for auction.)

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