Friday, February 10, 2006


Well, I think the fever may have finally broken... of course, I don't have a thermometer, so it's just a guess, but I actually feel like eating something other than chicken noodle soup, toast, and bananas.... now I just have to figure out what it is I feel like eating. Thank you to all of those that are praying for me. Keep doing it! I think I might actually live now! Hooray! In fact I might even be able to go over to the school tonight or tomorrow to get prepped for next week. Wouldn't that be loverly! I am still hacking up some pretty nasty stuff and my sinuses are still all clogged (I get these awful sinus headaches) but other than that, I can actually think somewhat, and I have the energy to move and eat.

Mindy is off at work. She borrowed my car again today because her ride (our neighbor) is also sick (but I don't think she has what I have.)

I got an e-mail from one of my kids today. It is really cute. She cracks me up. I e-mailed her back, but, since she's currently at school, she won't get it until tonight. My friend Vanessa is going to teach my class art today... I'm sad to miss her first day with my class, but I am excited to hear her take on my class.

Anyway, I need to go and eat something. I hope everyone else is doing well. I am really looking forward to the reunion this summer. I just want to SEE everyone again!


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