Thursday, February 02, 2006

Happy Groundhog Day!!!

Amanda's favorite holiday. It is raining here, and I am hoping that the groundhog that predicts spring for this part of the country says, "Where's my shadow? I guess spring is coming." I am cold walking back and forth from the library and the gym and home, so I would like spring to come sooner than later.

Dad-How is the house coming? It was looking good when Amanda and I were there on Sunday. I do not think that we are going up this weekend because Amanda is on duty, but we will be up there again some time. Hopefully you don't let mom with our games anymore.

Mom-Sorry we have yet to put up another story. I have trying hard to keep up with classes, which I could be doing better at, and I never remember to post the next one. I think Amanda still needs to edit it.

Trina-Sorry we did not post anything about your FHE thing. We actually did not have FHE until last night due to certain circumstances, but I need to ask Amanda what she wants to put up. How often, and when, exactly are we doing this PFBFHE (Palmer Family Blog FHE) thing?

Adam-Have you been having better days since that one when your boss told you not to speak your mind? You can tell us about the good ones too. Unless you aren't having any. But I hope you are.

???-Hello little one inside Trina. I hope you are ready for this family.

Eric-I like your chicken cartoon. But what is the story behind it? Can Stevie say my name yet?

Laurel-I hope Stevie isn't too hard on you. He looks like he is getting bigger and that he is a happy baby. But maybe that is because you guys only take pictures of him when he is smiling. Do you draw pictures of him?

Stevie-gurgle gurgle ppplllbbbbb burp fart mmmmmhhhhh zzzzzzzzzzzz. (he'll understand)

Jared-I slowed that song down and I need to send it to you again. I may have done it too much though. What is great is that it takes longer for the program to open than to actualy do the slowing down bit. You got rid of all the other music, man. How can I do my job? Where's the picture of Stevie on the corp. history?

Michelle-How life at home treating you? Is Bryan being good? Is Brooke keeping away from that ice cream? Last time I talked to Jared she served herself some thinking that it was ok to get it because she hadn't asked you guys to help. Pretty clever if you ask me.

Brooke-Keep reading. That way you learn new and bigger words and so then you don't have to keep asking some one else what a word means. I do that all the time with Aunt Amanda.

Bryan-I hope that you are keeping your reputation as torpedoboy. Don't be too fast on me though. I am getting old and can't keep up with little guys the way I used to.

Tawnia-How is teaching? I hope that your students are doing good in their classes. It's so cool that you get to go "try" museums out before you take your kids there. That, and getting summers off, makes teaching sound desirable. Oh yeah, and teaching the future of America. We need to talk about this summer and where we are going and what not.

Emily-Did they not offer knee-pads at your miniture-baseball (is that what it was?) game? That would leave one's knees pretty sore after running around on them for a bit. I am sorry. At least you don't write with your knees.


Amanda-I hope that woek is not too stressful these next few weeks. I know that you are going to be way busy. I hope that the celebrations today will rejuvinate your energy storage. I love you and think of you often.

Mindy-ANOTHER JOB?!?! You're crazy. How's the boy search?

Clarissa-How is Karate? How is driving with JoAnne, or has that started yet? How is JoAnne's ghost?

I hope that is everyone.

Who else reads this thing?


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