Friday, November 12, 2004

Where did everyone go?

No one has posted for several days, and I had put a comment on Mom's last post -- is it really 500 Park Avenue, or is it just that we can put whatever we want on letters, because the only thing that matters is 97127-0641? Just asking.

Eric and I had a great conversation the other night, and it sounds like he had similar ones with everyone else. What we concluded is that we (at least he and I, if not the rest of the family) would like feed-back on our websites. I changed the front page picture, and got a sentance from Mom thanking me for it, and that was the only way I even knew anyone else noticed it. We want to know that what we're doing is being noticed, and that it is liked. And if you have suggestions for making it better, let us know!

In other news, Jason and I and a few friends went and saw The Incredibles yesterday. It was hilarious! Great family fun. I definately reccommend it, and I already see characters that everyone will say -- that was my favorite! And hear Emily and Clarissa quoting this for years to come. Go see! Go see!

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