Friday, November 26, 2004

I have a tree!

Today Jason and I went shopping, and we got more Christmas lights and some ornaments (including a super cute Precious Moments one), and pretty wrapping paper, and other various Christmas and non-Christmas needs. Then we went to our friend Aaron's house, and borrowed the same fake tree that we used last year. I pulled out all my other decorations, and Christmas CD's (I have a total of three, not including the entire Nutcracker score that I got in Russia). The tree is up, but not perfected. Things are started, but next weekend we'll probably go shopping again, and I'll find more stuff to add to make the house Christmasfied. It's a start. Maybe I'll make a bunch of cookies tomorrow. Still working on Christmas cards and presents .. the goal is to have all of that mail next Saturday. Only four more weeks until Christmas!

Trina - I took your advice and changed the thumbnails .. now it kinda bothers me that Sadie is the only one facing the opposite direction. Ah well, I can always change that later. Thanks for looking at my site though, and actually commenting on it! I did notice your new picture and yes, it does remind me of a giant pez-dispenser, especially from that angle.


Michelle said...

Also about your page Mindy --
I've always wondered why it says "MJP" at the top when your initials are actually "MJA"?
And is your company called MJP? or MJA? or Nutcracker?

Mindy Sebastian said...

The reason that it says MJP is because I had done the drawing several years back. I thought it'd be nice to have on the top of the page (it needed something), and I hadn't done anything else to put there yet. I still haven't, but it will change eventually. I guess my division could be MJA, although I was trying to think of a cool meaning for it (aside from the obvious).. like Mint Jelly Associates, or something like that. Where'd you get the Nutcracker idea?!

Michelle said...

I can work with "Mint Jelly Associates". I like it. If you decide to change it before the deadline, just let me know.