Tuesday, November 02, 2004

everyone knows now

I did talk to all siblings last night so everyone knows about the baby. Brooke wanted to know when we were going to go visit so she could see the baby, and Jared had to tell her it's still in my tummy for a long time. Tawnia brought up the tail end by calling me back after she'd seen that I called her cell twice and left a message on her regular phone. Tawnia, I was going to try you one more time after I got off the phone with Sarah Loving. So feel free to tell whomever you choose - I'm going to call a few more friends, but our immediate family knows and that's the most important anyway.

By the way, I'm glad that I opened the blog this morning when I first got up (it's just after 7) or I might have forgotten to go vote before I went to work. Oops.

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