Monday, November 01, 2004

as if we needed more reinforcement

In honor of Election Day tomorrow and not voting for the Honorable Senator Kerry, I thought I'd pass on this little bit that was sent to me by a friend:

John Kerry, presidential candidate, gave a big speech last week about how his faith is so "important" to him. In this attempt to convince the American people that we should consider him for president, he announced that his favorite Bible verse is John 16:3. Of course the speech writer meant John 3:16, but neither John Kerry or anyone else in the Kerry camp was familiar enough with the scriptures to catch the error.

And do you know what John 16:3 says? "They will do such things because they have not known the Father or me."

1 comment:

Skippy said...

Trina, (this is Amanda by the way)
I'm really curious where you got this information - cuz unless you actually heard him say these things yourself, I am HIGHLY doubtful that this actually happened. I am taking a Politics and Religion in America class, where my professor sends our class every possible article even having anything remotely to do with religion and politics, and he did not see it on any of the 15 or so news websites that he checks every single day. I also was not able to find it on any of the sites that I searched for it on. I'm sure you wouldn't want to be posting misinformation intentionally, so I just wanted to check with you on where you got your information, because I think it is simply a myth. My professor also told me that it is unlikely that Kerry would be quoting from John, since he usually is more into quoting from James or Matthew.
On a MUCH more important note - Congratulations on your baby on the way!! I'm really really excited for you and can't wait to get a chance to see him/her (probably him, I hear!) in August if that works out for you to come up here! Yay...that's so cool!
Love you and miss you - let me know what you find out about this Kerry thing. :c)