Saturday, November 20, 2004

Happy Anniversary

Hey Mom and Dad!

I figure that you're doing something fun today since tomorrow is Sunday. I will hopefully get a chance to call you tomorrow, but if I don't HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! Wow, can you believe it's been 35 years already? And look what you have to show for it... 8 children, 2.5 grandchildren, and 4 great-grand birds. That's pretty amazing.

Brooke - thanks for posting on the blog! Congratulations on starting school after Thanksgiving, that is very very cool! I hope you have a LOT of fun and are good to your teacher. Please be sure to tell us all about it.

And my favorite dessert. Well, there are to many to choose from... I would have to say it depends on my mood and what is available. Chocolate is always good, in it's many varieties. I love cheesecake and ice cream. I'm not big on hard candy unless it's peppermint or butterscotch. I like peanut butter M'n'M's. Anything made by Mom gets an A++ and Mindy's sugar cookies are great. Clarissa also makes great apple pie, and my roommate Annie makes peanut butter bon bons that are delicious. SO yeah, it's to difficult to choose a favorite.


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