Monday, November 08, 2004

Seedy's big adventure

Okay, so we got home from Rachel and Loren's at around ten tonight, and Laurel of course went straight to the birds. We usually leave the cage door open and tonight was no exception. So Laurel got out the nest box to look at the four babies. They're looking very much like Petey and Polly these days. They've grown up quite a bit over the past few weeks. Well, there were only three birds in the nest instead of four when Laurel checked.

She quickly figured out that Seedy, the oldest (and she's a girl) was missing. Laurel and I searched the house, especially the dining room/living room area near the cage, but we couldn't find her. Laurel told me to go ahead and finish my homework while she tore apart the living room.

Needless to say we both said prayers that we would find Seedy and that she would be okay.

Finally Laurel heard a faint chirp by one of her bookcases and I went out to help her take books off the shelves so we could move the case. Suddenly the chirps got very loud, and it turned out that Seedy was not behind or under the bookcase but was behind a bunch of magazines on the bottom shelf, and when I pulled some off the shelf the others almost fell on her, thus the loud chirps.

So Seedy is safe in the cage, and Laurel has closed its door until the little birds learn how to fly and so we can keep an eye on them while they go exploring the rest of the house. As far as we know, this was the first time one of the babies got out of the nestbox on their own, and the first time one of them got out of the cage. They're growing up so fast!

Okay, enough bird talk. I've got a big day tomorrow so take care all!

Love, Eric

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