Monday, August 02, 2004

we're drrroooooowwniiiiing

And we're not anywhere near a body of water ... it's THAT humid outside. It seriously feels like you're breathing in too much water. I walk up a hill every day to get to the Metro - I was doing really well in the spring, truckin' right on up. Since the humidity hit, I've gotten slower and slower because I can't breathe. I hate it. On the bright side, it means that I've started showering at night to get rid of the sticky feeling, and I've been sleeping much better.

And the best news of the week - WE HAVE A BED! We spent the first 6 weeks of our marriage sleeping on the futon/couch in the living room. The bedroom was a disaster - cardboard boxes from gifts piled up in the corner, laundry all over the twin-size bed, and boxes of papers and books that still haven't been unpacked (but opened with their contents spewed everywhere). And the living room was always a mess too. We got a bed this weekend. The living room is now really a living room. I spent most of the afternoon yesterday cleaning the bedroom and rearranging things. We got rid of most of the cardboard (saved a couple of boxes to use later) and put away all the laundry. Next is finishing the unpacking and getting framed stuff up on the walls, but at least the mess is under control now. I know, it was hard work on a Sunday, but, well, there are a couple of scriptures that say something about "a house of order" and we're almost there! Yay!

We leave Thursday night for our Florida reception on Saturday. I have a couple more vacation days now (I build up so many hours per month), so we're taking Friday and Monday off work.

Tawnia, good to have you back on the airwaves. When do you leave for Provo?
Jared, hope you and the babies are feeling better now.
Mom, Adam hasn't ever really traveled but that's changing. We'll make sure you have a list of less-known-but-really-awesome things when you come out here to DC.

Love, Trina and Adam

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