Sunday, August 01, 2004

I have returned

Hello Fambly,

Well, I arrived home around 11:45 p.m. after driving for, I'm not sure how long on only three hours of sleep. My advice to anyone else considering doing that... is DON'T. Believe me, it wasn't very fun.

But do you know what WAS fun?? Being an EFY counselor. It was the most rewarding, fun, hard, tiring, life-consuming job I've ever had. You easily forget that there is anything else in life besides EFY because you are busy ALL the time! And when you aren't doing something you're trying to catch up on sleep. I made several friends, and had an awesome three weeks. My girls were great each week and I learned a lot from them. My co-counselors (Edgar (Poe), Jess (Shaniqwa), Katherine (K-Lowe), Jeremy (Papa-J), Josh ( J-dub), and Jeremy (J-dawg or Chewie) were all amazing people who taught me so much. And I also got a new nickname -- Ta-wana or Tiajuana (and K-lowe always adds "the dirty Mexican" to the end of that one.) I also made friends with many other counselors and I'm really looking forward to moving down to Utah now so that I can hang out with them.

I think the best part of the job was having the spirit with me all the time and being able to watch it work in my life and in the lives of the kids. I learned so many great principles and now I just need to keep on doing the things that I was doing there... because EFY is not true, the church is.

I'm sure I'll tell you more details later. I need to go and unload my car now because all I brought in last night was my purse and my keys.


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