Tuesday, August 24, 2004

I never know what to put here ...

So Emily's got a boyfriend, huh? He really must like her .. I remember them talking before she went off to Florida.. and he had let her borrow Harry Potter 5 right after he was done reading it, so she didn't have to wait for anyone else to read it. And writing to her this whole time?? Wahoo! Come on Emily .. of course we're going to be excited. The only person you ever really liked growing up was Robin, and now that he's married, you have no choice but to get over him. Time to MOVE ON! And what is this thinking about forever thing?!? If you aren't ready to make that desicion, don't! Be friends for a while, or date for a while .. and if something more happens, great! Don't jump the gun here, missy. But, I wish you luck either way.

I suggest that Eric send Emily a new invite, so she doesn't have to keep using mom's. She figured out how to make it work on the sister's site that I made (bbcmeltdown.blogspot.com), so just send her a new one, and I'm sure she can actually have her own account (and make sure you send it to her correct email).

Not much is going on up north. The weather has been crappy for nearly the past week, and it doesn't sound like we'll get sun for a few days more. Growing up the rain was never a problem, but now thunderstorms and continuous overcast makes me depressed. But I'll get over it.

Hey Laurel - I'm doing some watercolors again, any suggestions or tips or advice to help me out? I took one watercolor class back in high school, but I don't remember much from it. But the first picture I did (after such a long time) turned out great!

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