Friday, August 20, 2004

From Emily

Hello. I still have to use Mom's because I don't have one of my own.

Clarissa and I will be going to college together; if I take the right classes, I should be able to get an associates degree by this spring, maybe sooner.

I am in favor of having our family website be or net, too. Or should we write out insanity incorporated? And we could have nicknames, and maybe come up with new ones every year, like we did with the T-shirts.

Interesting places I have been include Yellowstone (gysers, bison, waterfalls, petrified trees, hot springs), the Grand Canyon, Wisconsin (the land of my ancestors), Disney World, Martin's Cove in Wyoming, D.C. (I loved the Air and Space Museum and American History Museum), New York, Waterton NP in Canada (where we saw bears -- and I think one might have been a grizzly), Hollywood, Nauvoo, the Denver Mint, and Silver Falls State Park. I have been to a lot of places. Hooray for parents who love to travel!


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