Friday, August 27, 2004


When you hold that tiny newborn in your arms this day seems an eternity away. And yet here I am having my second child turn 30. Do you realize that when I turned 30 we were getting ready to move to Oregon with our four little children? My accomplishments of the first 30 years were definitely different than my children's. I still haven't been on a mission or graduated from college and I'll probably never learn to drive a stick shift but I could do my own laundry before I was 30 and cook and clean and change diapers. Life hands out different challenges to each of us.

Eric, I think you've done very well. You almost have a masters degree. You have a good job and you really live quite comfortably. But more importantly, you have a wonderful wife. You've stayed true to the gospel and are growing spiritually. You help keep our family close. You're a son any mother would be proud to claim and I'm so glad you're mine.

I love you,

1 comment:

Eric said...

Thanks Mom. I had a strange night's sleep last night (I slept from 8:30-1:30, then from 4:00-7:30) and during my time awake, I looked at my earliest photo album and saw a picture of Dad at age 30, and thought about my childhood. The strange thing was being able to remember things from that time when I was two and three years old. It's an intimidating thing to be an adult (as opposed to a "young adult"). I know I'm still young, but a round number like this really makes me stop and think.