Friday, June 10, 2005


So I thought I'd let Mom and Dad know what things I want to do while I'm at home for my brief stint.

Of course, I need to go through my stuff in the storage room and decide what is coming to Utah, and what is staying in Oregon. That is my biggest priority. And I have to visit with Nate and Manda at least one or two or three or four times. I would also like to take a trip to the beach, mainly so I can go to the outlet mall in Lincoln City. I want to go hiking at Silver Creek Falls. I want to visit the Dicksons. Actually I'd like to go running at the track in Dayton a couple times, so that I don't lose my momentum on this running thing. I want to go and visit Allyson Gunter in Portland. Oh, and can we stop at Cost-co on the way home from the airport?

For dinner's while I'm home I would love to have a BBQ one night, with chicken kabobs or hamburgers... and all the fixing (ie potato salad, green jell-o, etc.); I'd also like snake legs one night, and that's all the demands I'll make there.

None of these are demands or anything... it's just the things that I'd really like to do while in Oregon. I know that Dad will have to work while I'm there, and I hate to go and do some of these things (the beach, silver creek) without him, but I don't think he'll be able to take any extra time off. Anyway, we can talk it over once I'm there, but that's all the things I had in mind.


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