Friday, June 24, 2005

new house

Jared, that's very cool that you have a new job and found a new house too. What's your new house like? What's your new job? When are you moving and starting work?

Eric and Laurel, we got your birthday card for Adam - that was very awesome of you to remember. The card definitely made us laugh. "True love" with a picture of Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez ... Pfff! You should have put a picture of President and Sister Hinckley - THAT is the kind of true love we're working for! But then, that wouldn't have been funny because it would have been for real. But anyway - it was really cool.

Happy anniversary a couple of days early, Nathan and Amanda! That's so cool that we made it through this first year that everyone said would be the "adjustment" phase and soooooooo hard. I don't know what they're talkin' about, and I suspect that you don't either. Being married is the most awesome thing EVER, and I'm happy that you're happy. And I'm happy that you're moving too, to a new job for Amanda and a new house that you STILL don't have to pay for (how do you do this?) and more school for Nathan.

I won't put in notes for Mom and Dad or the girls, since they're all on the road for the next few days. Bleh for them. I wish I were on vacation.

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